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Lieberman, Alicea, On Amir, and Ziv Carmon (2023), The Entrenchment Effect: Why People Persist With Less-Preferred Behaviors," Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 178, 104277


Lieberman, Alicea, Andrea C. Morales, and On Amir (2022), “Tangential Immersion: Increasing Persistence in Boring Consumer Behaviors,” Journal of Consumer Research, 49(3), 450-472.


Lieberman, Alicea, Juliana Schroeder, and On Amir (2022), A Voice Inside My Head: The Psychological and Behavioral Consequences of Auditory Technologies,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 170, 104-133.


Mazar, Asaf, Guy Itzchakov, Alicea Lieberman, and Wendy Wood (2022), “The Unintentional Nonconformist: Habits Promote Resistance to Social Influence,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 49(7), 1058-1070.


Lieberman, Alicea, Ayelet Gneezy, Emily Berry, Stacie Miller, Mark Koch, Keith Argenbright, and Samir Gupta (2021), “The Effect of Deadlines on Cancer Screening Completion: A Randomized Controlled Trial,” Scientific Reports, 11(13876).


Williams, Elanor F., Alicea Lieberman, and On Amir (2021), Perspective Neglect: Inadequate Perspective Taking Limits Consumer Coordination,” Judgment and Decision Making, 16(4), 898-931.


Lieberman, Alicea, Kristen E. Duke, and On Amir (2019), How Incentive Framing Can Harness the Power of Social Norms,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 151, 118-131.


Lieberman, Alicea and Juliana Schroeder (2019), Two Social Lives: How Differences Between Online and Offline Interaction Influence Social Outcomes,” Current Opinion in Psychology, 30, 16-21.


Lieberman, Alicea, Ayelet Gneezy, Emily Berry, Stacie Miller, Mark Koch, Bijal A. Balasubramanian, Keith Argenbright, and Samir Gupta (2019), “Financial Incentives to Promote Colorectal Cancer Screening: A Longitudinal Randomized Control Trial,Cancer, Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 28, 1902-1908.


Jetelina, Katelyn, Joshua Yudkin, Stacy Miller, Emily Berry, Alicea Lieberman, Samir Gupta, and Bijal Balasubramanian (2019), Patient-reported barriers to completing a diagnostic colonoscopy following abnormal fecal immunochemical test among uninsured patients,” Journal of General Internal Medicine, 9, 1730-1736.


Kim, Annice. E., Tim Hopper, Sean Simpson, Jim Nonnemaker, Alicea Lieberman, Heather Hansen, and Lauren Porter (2015), Using Twitter Data to Gain Insights into E-cigarette Marketing and Locations of Use: An Infoveillance Study,” Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17, e251.


Robles, Brenda., Jon L. Blitstein, Alicea Lieberman, Noel C. Barragan, Lauren N. Gase, and Tony Kuo (2015), “The Relationship Between Amount of Soda Consumed and Intention to Reduce Soda Consumption Among Adults Exposed to the Choose Health LA ‘Sugar Pack’ Health Marketing Campaign,” Public Health Nutrition, 18, 2582-2591.


Kim, Annice E., Alicea Lieberman, and Daniel Dench (2014), “Crowdsourcing Data Collection of the Retail Tobacco Environment: Case Study Comparing Data From Crowdsourced Workers to Trained Data Collectors,” Tobacco Control, 24, e6-e9.


MANUSCRIPTS UNDER REVIEW (*equal first authorship)

Gershon, Rachel, Alicea Lieberman, and Sydney Scott, "Consumers Believe Illegal Products are More Effective Than Legal Products," under 3rd round review at Journal of Marketing Research.


*Duke, Kristen E. and *Alicea Lieberman, “How Consumption Environments Cue Healthy Behaviors,” under review at Journal of Consumer Research.


Lieberman, Alicea (2024), “Why We Choose the Hard Way to Do Tedious Tasks,” Harvard Business Review


Lieberman, Alicea (2022), “How to Power Through Boring Tasks,” Harvard Business Review.


Lieberman, Alicea and Kristen E. Duke (2020), “Why We’re Incentivized by Discounts and Surcharges,” Harvard Business Review.


 Lieberman, Alicea and Juliana Schroeder (2020), “Increasing Social Connection While ‘Social Distancing,’” The Behavioral Scientist.


Lieberman, Alicea, Andrea C. Morales, and On Amir (2019), “Collecting Data From the Field: Using Field Experiments and  Experiments-In-the-Field to Increase Research Validity,” In Handbook of Research Methods in Consumer Psychology, eds. P. Herr, P. 

& N. Schwarz. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

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